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Marik Bentusi (marikbentusi)

"Alan Wake 2

Couldn't have asked for a better setup"

Super glad I'm petty enough to cling onto things from 2 years ago because I KNEW this would happen, you're welcome Marik (And thank you)

Originally seen at You are not immune... (1st of December 2023)

Courtesy of Marik Bentusi! (marikbentusi)

"one more animated Joe doodle before the big break!
starring Jelly as Gemini"

Thunder crackled as the black sky shifted to an ominous gray. Rain, an unexpected sensation, scalded the dragon's scales from sheer surprise.

The image before him churned to life, a mocking tableau of reality. He recognized the voices, recognized the words, but they sounded wrong. Twisted, spliced together for some unknown purpose. A ransom note of sound and circumstance.

Originally seen at Not Only Was It Alan (28th October 2023)

A hat-trick, courtesy of Marik Bentusi! (marikbentusi) A hat-trick, courtesy of Marik Bentusi! (marikbentusi)

"Joe doodle"

Anderson's vision blurred as the world around him fell to pieces, folding in on itself in a crescendo of light and noise. When his eyes finally focused, he was looking down upon himself from above, magnitudes larger than the forest that once surrounded him. At the same time, he gazed shakily up at himself, smaller than he had ever been in the face of the impossible made manifest. The Red Presence from the first manuscript - it had been him all long.

Fluttering through the wind, something caught his split attention. He watched as his smaller self lurched towards it, suddenly manic with focus. Beneath his maddeningly large gaze, he grasped the object from the air. It was a manuscript page. A chanuscript.

Like a cicada molting in the summer sun, reality shed a crumpled layer.

Originally seen at Not Only Was It Alan (28th October 2023)

Also courtesy of Marik Bentusi! (marikbentusi)

"animated Joe doodle!
audio from Resident Evil 4 Remake"

Lightning flashed. A triumphant cry rang out before shrinking to a bashful whisper. He recognized this too, from his Resident Evil IV Remake streams. It was a painful, embarrassing memory. Was the showcase mocking him?

Anderson didn't understand. Why would someone commandeer his voice like this? How many utterances did the entity behind this have locked away for future use? For all he knew, they were listening right now.

His stomach tightened at the thought, like someone had tied a knot with his intestines.

Originally seen at Not Only Was It Alan (28th October 2023)

Also courtesy of Marik Bentusi! (marikbentusi)

Sure, you might be imbued with the Literal Touch of the Divine... but, uh...
Alright I'll be honest, I've never seen or read Lord of the Rings. I can't riff with no material, folks. Maybe I'll take a walk and think on it for about 70 pages.

Originally seen at Last Fanart Before the Gigapause (26th September 2023)

Courtesy of Marik Bentusi! (marikbentusi)

"since the boss is now past tense I tweaked the ending a bit with different voicelines"

(This is the past-tense version. Go join Marik's discord or something for the non-tweaked version)
Clearly, the true reason that Joe was able to One Trip the final boss was that he didn't buff his weapon and activate his True Gameplay Power. Let this be a lesson to all aspiring mirror-match bosses in the audience: don't discount the intimidation factor of applying a subtle-yet-stylish elemental buff.

Originally seen at Last Fanart Before the Gigapause (26th September 2023)

Courtesy of Marik! (marikbentusi) Courtesy of Marik! (marikbentusi)

Back to Stahfield! Don't you just hate when a bad plan comes together? I think we've all had an impulse purchase like this at some point in our lives.

On an unrelated note: Marik and I have been going back and forth on the gun designs in this game for a while, and I gotta say - as pistol aficionados, we are NOT impressed. You can do better than this, Todd.

Originally seen at It Just Wokes (8th September 2023)

Also courtesy of Marik Bentusi! (marikbentusi) Also courtesy of Marik Bentusi! (marikbentusi)

"Inscryption: Breaker-chan, Black Sheep-chan"

Look at how pleased he is with himself. He knows what he's doing, breaking the game like that.
Awwwww, I can't stay mad at him.

Originally seen at Cream Dreams of Cliff-Diving (26th August 2023)

Courtesy of Marik Bentusi! (marikbentusi) Courtesy of Marik Bentusi! (marikbentusi)

"Nostalgic Trolley-chan sketch after watching this recap video :)"

Howdy hey, chat! Jelly here, filling in for the usual cadre of JANART enthusiasts. It can't be helped, so you're stuck with me for the time being. This showcase will include the following: spoilers for AI: Nirvana Initiative and Inscryption - starting with the latter and ending with the former.
Let's start things off on the right note with some serene Trolley-chan fanart! A chan after our own hearts, huh?

Originally seen at Cream Dreams of Cliff-Diving (26th August 2023)

Marik Bentusi (marikbentusi) Marik Bentusi (marikbentusi)

No Joe. I haven't.

Originally seen at The Handroid Edition (11th August 2023)